Friday, June 30, 2006

Google Checkout Dud

I had been quite excited for months now ever since I read the news about a new payment processor from Google (they refered to it as 'gbuy' then), one that has the potential to rival PayPal.

Well, Google just launched Google Checkout, which is essentially a new way for merchants to process sales as it works with Google AdWords - making it even more easy for shoppers to find you and buy from you, on top of the usual customizable checkout buttons that you can place on your web site.

But call it a premonition. I sensed that it may not be opened for the rest of the world when it launches, and true to my gut feeling, Google Checkout is only for merchants with a U.S. address and bank account. Duhhh....

The only positive thing that came out of this new Google launching is its monetary potential for Adsense publishers. I'm still reading further into this - more than likely a Pay-Per-Result kind of arrangement I reckon instead of the current Pay-Per-Click, but we shall see. One thing for sure, I'm confident that SBIers will have more to gain in the coming months.

If you living in the U.S., you can find out more about Google Checkout here.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Keyword Research Tool, Ultimate Verticalizer Launches!

Keyword research is increasingly an integral part of web building. It is the "make or break" of any web site.

This is evinced by the mushrooming of keywords-mining web sites that charge users for providing top keywords. There are also many keyword research tools out there today, each claiming that it has the best research methodology.

SBIers like me, are often spoilt by the effectiveness and efficiency of Brainstorm It!, the SBI! keyword research module. In fact, sometimes we take for granted the real value of Brainstorm It! Actually, it is worth purchasing Site Build It! just to have this ability given the sometimes ridiculous high price of other stand-alone keyword research tools.

With the launching of the Ultimate Verticalizer (UV) - an additional sub-module to Brainstorm It! - Brainstorm It! becomes even more invaluable for the success of a web site.

The UV reportedly brings back 10 times as many (or more!) keywords that contain a Site Concept Keyword than every other third party keyword tool (including Yahoo!'s and Google's) combined.

It basically brings back the collective wisdom of billions of sites plus every other way a keyword makes it into the SBI! database. This is the most comprehensive index of real, human-generated keywords, either through searches or through the brainstorming power of millions of Webmasters.

With the UV, it is now even more easier to identify keywords that spark ideas for content enhancement of existing pages or add other pages that further diversify your coverage of a topic.

I simply wonder why so many webmasters out there still stick to a standard web hosting company that does not really help them build a successful web business. Perhaps they still think that the hosting fee is much cheaper than SBI! Yet, they prefer to purchase a stand-alone keyword research tool or pay monthly subscription to a keyword-mining site.

Site Build It! includes one of the best keyword research tool on the Web today plus web hosting and numerous more excellent modules and/or functionalities to help SBIers make their site SELL and SELL! for a fraction of the cost of buidling a successful web business.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

SiteSell's GRADUATION GIFT $100 Special

Once or twice a year, SiteSell will come up with a special offer for their world acclaimed product, Site Build It!

NOW is one of those special ocassions.

It called the graduation special!

Graduation is all about moving up to a life of independence. And in that sense, we are all at different stages of graduating. In honor of grads of all ages, don't miss SiteSell's Graduation Gift $100 Special!

From now until July 1 at the stroke of midnight, you can get SBI! for a *net cost* of $100!

If you are still sitting on the fence about buying SBI!, this is a good opportunity for you to give it a try for a special discount.

For details, please see visit the following URL...

Friday, June 16, 2006

Bye Bye to SiteBuilder?

After created and uploaded my first ever Site Build It! page using SBI!'s "Upload Your Own HTML" function, I managed to quickly create (using my favourite HTML editor) another 4 web pages and upload them to my SBI! site.

Basically, creating my own web pages gives me a lot of flexibility and of course productivity.

Took me about 15 minutes to get use to the "transition" from SiteBuilder, but bear in mind that I do have some HTML experience, although I still regard myself an amateur in HTML.

Although I have to upload my own freshly created web page one file at a time (via Web FTP and not a stand-alone FTP program), once uploaded, SBI! has a "Quick Re-Upload It!" function where I can upload up to 20 (amended) files at one time.

Don't get me wrong, I still reckon SiteBuilder to be the best way to fully understand the whole page-building and traffic-generating process. Most SBIers start building their SBI! site using the block-by-block SiteBuilder.

And, along the way, they learn a little HTML and add their own HTML into the Text Blocks of SiteBuilder to achieve enhanced formatting.

Personally, the best thing about this is that I can still utilized the "Analyze It!" and "Submit It!" functions with my own created web pages.

In any case, do take a look at my first 5 non-SiteBuilder web pages below:

They are all T3 web pages created for my Tropical Vacation Getaways T2 page, which I further amended using the old but trusted SiteBuilder.

Tell me what you think - can you spot any difference between a web page that was created by SiteBuilder and one that was not?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Building a business is just like parenting

Speaking of having a bit more time nowadays, it comes to mind that...

Building a business is very much like bringing up a child.

The initial period of being a parent is the busiest and hardest part of parenthood.

"Trying" for a baby itself already requires some hard work (unless it's accidental).

But your parenting work load and responsibilities increase dramatically from the pregnancy period to when your child is about 4-5 years old. It will be even busier if you have another baby the next year (as what happened to me).

But from past experience, after your child leaves kindergarten, you will suddenly have some free time to yourself.

In fact, you will get more free time as your kids grow older and more independent.

No doubt, there will still be problems like during the dreaded teenage years. However, problems with teenagers may be a different set of headaches, but they tend not to take as much of your time to solve as when your teenager child is only a toddler. In fact, many times, you will find that you do have the choice to challenge your child to solve the problem him/herself.

Similarly, in any business, the initial (or teething) period is the most hectic and thus, hardest for you. As it grows more mature or in business sense, more profitable, you will find that you do not have to spent as much time as before on your business.

And if you can challenge (and pay them of course) others to run and solve any problems in your business, you will find that you have a lot of free time to strategize and grow your business further.

When you get to the stage where your business literally runs on its own, you will have all the time in the world, to the extent that you can not only run several businesses simultaneously but have some time to enjoy the World Cup for instance.

Watching your business expands is very similar to observing with pride and joy your baby growing up and maturing into a somebody.

Yes, your business is your baby.

If you don't feel like it's your baby, then, you are not in business at all.

Afterall, why do you think the term "brainchild" is often used to describe the person behind a successful business.

End Note: Site Build It! is a great tool to free you from the complexity of building a web site that SELLS and free you to focus on expanding your BUSINESS. SBI! essentially MULTIPLIES your productivity. Why bother with all the tedious, time-sucking jobs and complexities? Focus on the bottom line instead, while technology does the drudge work, and leaving you more time to expand your business, and more time to spent with your loved ones or even football...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Too much FIFA World Cup 2006

I've got a fever..., football fever.

I've been watching too many matches of the 2006 FIFA World Cup since the opening game on 9 June. Most days (or nights), I watched up to 3 consecutive matches until the wee hours of the morning.

I'm really not that football mad but this was the first World Cup since 1994 that I have "real freedom" to enjoy football on the tele. Between that period, I got married and had two kids, which gave me very little chance to really catch the "fever" of the last two World Cups. I was too busy bringing up my two babies.

At the same period, I was also just starting my Internet Business endeavours and was really transfixed with how to build a profitable business via the Internet. I was bringing up another baby, so to speak.

Now that the kids (and my business) had grown up a bit..., I am begining to have some time to enjoy being a potato coach once again..., at least for a month.

Who will win the World Cup?

Of course, like so many others, the team that I most like to watch and win is Brazil.

My sentimental team though, is England, since I grew up with English Football and supported Liverpool since the 1970s.

But, my football instinct told me that Germany will win the 2006 World Cup.

But whoever wins is not really that important to me as long as football wins.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Got Indexed at Yahoo! at last

Finally, most of my web pages for my SBI! site have been indexed by Yahoo!

Among the Top 3 Search Engines, it appears that MSN is the fastest to index majority of my web pages (i.e., within a month of going online with at least more than 10 pages).

Next fastest is Google (i.e., about 3-6 months for most of my pages to be indexed), and Yahoo! takes the longest to index my site (i.e., at least more than 6 months).

The main index (or the homepage) for my SBI! site is now rank no. 12 at Yahoo! for the rather competitive keyword "tropical vacation". And I also noticed that has picked up my main page too.

Perhaps, it was due to the tedious task of submitting my site to the Second Tier Directories and Search Engines?

Nevertheless, it is an excellent result..., but more can be done.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Uploaded own web page to SBI!

Finally, I'd manage to tried out uploading my own web page (created using Frontpage) to my SBI! site instead of using SiteBuilder's block-by-block web page builder.

There's even a template of my site at the SBI! manager for me to download and use to create my own pages.

I'm not sure whether the upload function had been updated recently, or I may have missed out reading this do-it-yourself functionality, which appears quite simple and easy-to-do than previously thought.

But I'm still getting the hang of things, and will take it one step at a time.

In the meantime, here's how my first non-SiteBuilder web page looks - I don't think you can tell much difference between a page build by SiteBuilder or by Frontpage.

That's another beauty (and FLEXIBILITY) of using Site Build It!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Google Adsense added to my SBI! site

After almost 10 months online, I'd just added Google Adsense to my SBI! site (only about 25% of web pages for a start) - all this on '666' (i.e., June 6 2006) - hemmm.

This is more of an experiment than anything else. I'll most likely remove the Google Adsense ads if they tend to pull visitors away from my Most Wanted Response or MWR in short.

That is..., unless the Adsense ads make enough "cents" to make sense.

Will keep you updated at a later stage onn how they are doing.

Friday, June 02, 2006

6 SBI! Search Engine Optimization Tips

Seach Engine Optimization can be so confusing nowadays with so much information (outdated and updated, relevant and myth) on the Net. Besides getting information overload, you just can't be guaranteed that a strategy or tip will not only work but will also not get your site blacklisted/banned by the Search Engines. And the search algorithms of each Search Engine change all the time - meaning, the rules of SEO frequently changes.

Side Note: If you are truly a newbie in this area, I suggest you to refer to my article on The 3 Hats of Search Engine Optimization first before you continue reading this post.

But thanks to Ken Evoy, whose SEO strategies are incorporated into the Site Build It!'s SiteBuilder module - where you don't need to know much about SEO to be an "expert" - I believe the simple SiteSell's SEO Tips, dare I say, are rarely out-of-date and guarantee to increase your site's search engine rankings.

And you don't have to worry about the frequent changes in the search algorithms. SBI! and SiteBuilder will take care of that too. Chances are, you won't even know the Search Engines have updated their search algorithms.

As I'd posted two weeks ago, I will be experimenting building my SBI! site by creating and uploading my own web pages instead of using SBI!'s SiteBuilder.

Before I start, I figure I better be clear on SiteSell's tips on Seach Engine Optimization first. What better way to do this than by posting them online for easy reference. I'm sure I'll need them as I'd been literally spoilt by SiteBuilder's brilliant SEO function over the year.

So, here there are as posted in my SiteSell eBusiness Philosophy site as follows:

I hope the above will be useful for those who are in the dark about SEO or for those who

NOTE: The best thing about Site Build It! is that it takes away a lot of the technical aspects of building and promoting a profitable web site by letting you to FOCUS on growing/expanding your business. It is the ultimate time saver for most netrepreneurs.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Rich Dad vs Finish Rich

Just had a two-day holiday break (a 2-day public holiday in Sabah, Malaysia Borneo to celebrate the indigenous people's Harvest Festival grand finale - go to my Travel Borneo Blog for more info of the unique cultural celebration - the only such celebration in the whole world).

What I did was literally taking a much needed break. Past my time by reading a book recommended by a colleague I just bought entitled "The Automatic Millionaire" by David Bach (of Finish Rich fame) , which surprisingly was quite resourceful despite my preference for the more aggressive business-oriented school of thought of Robert Kiyosaki (of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame).

Now, is it all a coincidence that the authors that really tickled my fancy lately are into the word "Rich"?

Rich Dad, Finish Rich, etc... (luckily, Ken Evoy did not call his excellent tool Rich Build It! or something)

What's next?

Rich Adz? Nahh.....

Anyway, today, I carried out a simple step as suggested by David Bach, which can make me up to $15,000 in 10 years time without feeling any pinch or requiring any self-discipline whatsoever. An automated procedure that I personally feel is absolutely crucial for a part-time netrepreneur like myself.

I'd read books like "The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas J Stanley and William D. Danko and left them gathering dust on my bookshelf, because as hard as I'd tried, frugality it seems, is not in my vocabulary.

Until I read David Bach's book ("The Automatic Millionaire" originally came out in 2003 and perhaps first made famous by Oprah Winfrey?) which in a sense, taught me that I can be frugal "automatically" while still adopting the more controversial fast-lane approach to richness of Robert Kiyosaki.

Hence, it struck me somewhere in my head on my current approach to successfully juggling between a full-time job and a part-time business at the same time for the past decade now.

Both schools of thought (i.e., Robert Kiyosaki vs David Bach) can truly make you rich although they might be so different in the approach, and basically, only meant for a certain type of people (e.g., the entrepreneur vs the employee).

But what if you take in both approaches to work for you? Can you really do that?

I think so...

Thinking back, I guess I'd been doing that for awhile now, amid in "moderation".

Now, my next question is..., can I step on the accelerator to Finish Rich sooner by using Rich Dad's unorthodox "Retire Young, Retire Rich" advices?

Now, how can I place SBI! into the Rich equation.

Hemmm, let me ponder about this one, but if you are also thinking along this line, do be so kind as to let me know, ok?

Quote of the Day: "Being Rich by name is never ever enough."