Thursday, June 15, 2006

Building a business is just like parenting

Speaking of having a bit more time nowadays, it comes to mind that...

Building a business is very much like bringing up a child.

The initial period of being a parent is the busiest and hardest part of parenthood.

"Trying" for a baby itself already requires some hard work (unless it's accidental).

But your parenting work load and responsibilities increase dramatically from the pregnancy period to when your child is about 4-5 years old. It will be even busier if you have another baby the next year (as what happened to me).

But from past experience, after your child leaves kindergarten, you will suddenly have some free time to yourself.

In fact, you will get more free time as your kids grow older and more independent.

No doubt, there will still be problems like during the dreaded teenage years. However, problems with teenagers may be a different set of headaches, but they tend not to take as much of your time to solve as when your teenager child is only a toddler. In fact, many times, you will find that you do have the choice to challenge your child to solve the problem him/herself.

Similarly, in any business, the initial (or teething) period is the most hectic and thus, hardest for you. As it grows more mature or in business sense, more profitable, you will find that you do not have to spent as much time as before on your business.

And if you can challenge (and pay them of course) others to run and solve any problems in your business, you will find that you have a lot of free time to strategize and grow your business further.

When you get to the stage where your business literally runs on its own, you will have all the time in the world, to the extent that you can not only run several businesses simultaneously but have some time to enjoy the World Cup for instance.

Watching your business expands is very similar to observing with pride and joy your baby growing up and maturing into a somebody.

Yes, your business is your baby.

If you don't feel like it's your baby, then, you are not in business at all.

Afterall, why do you think the term "brainchild" is often used to describe the person behind a successful business.

End Note: Site Build It! is a great tool to free you from the complexity of building a web site that SELLS and free you to focus on expanding your BUSINESS. SBI! essentially MULTIPLIES your productivity. Why bother with all the tedious, time-sucking jobs and complexities? Focus on the bottom line instead, while technology does the drudge work, and leaving you more time to expand your business, and more time to spent with your loved ones or even football...


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