How's your SBI! journey going so far, Rich?
A little update on my Site Build It! adventure...
It seems that I may have lost a bit of focus with building my SBI! site in the past several months, especially with my recent Greed and Laziness Disaster and this week, my little experiment with building an Adsense site on Credit Card.
Yes, I might still have that GnL feeling BUT...
Rest assure that my SBI! journey is still going strong. I might stray away once in awhile, but only to "take a break" away from SBI! so that I can feel more recharged and refreshed.
The past week, I have been re-reading the SBI! Action Guide on using the "Upload Your Own HTML" tool instead of "SiteBuilder" to build my own web pages.
That's the beauty of SBI!
You can build your webpages "from scratch," using your own HTML editor - as long as you follow the SBI! Integration Guidelines (if you are already an SBIer, then you need to read their help section on this very carefully if you intend to drop SiteBuilder).
Or like me, if you already have started a good-size SBI! site, using SiteBuilder, and now you're ready to graduate to using an HTML editor (e.g., FrontPage, DreamWeaver, etc.), that's also fine.
But I take seriously a note from SBI! "Help and Strategy" section which stated:
Couldn't agree more with the above statement.
Even though building your own web pages using your own HTML editor provides much more flexibility and creativity, as well as increase productivity (i.e., you can certainly create more web pages faster in comparison to SiteBuilder), my advise for new SBIers is to ALWAYS use SiteBuilder first to create at least the first 20 or so web pages even if you think your HTML skill is pretty good.
Because it will help you to understand better the SBI! block-by-block process of building a proper and quality web page. It will help you understand more than just SEO, but more on how to create a web site that SELLS!
I certainly recommend using SiteBuilder. In fact, I've yet to decide whether to shift away from SiteBuilder.
Will keep you posted...
In the meantime, do have a great weekend.
It seems that I may have lost a bit of focus with building my SBI! site in the past several months, especially with my recent Greed and Laziness Disaster and this week, my little experiment with building an Adsense site on Credit Card.
Yes, I might still have that GnL feeling BUT...
Rest assure that my SBI! journey is still going strong. I might stray away once in awhile, but only to "take a break" away from SBI! so that I can feel more recharged and refreshed.
The past week, I have been re-reading the SBI! Action Guide on using the "Upload Your Own HTML" tool instead of "SiteBuilder" to build my own web pages.
That's the beauty of SBI!
You can build your webpages "from scratch," using your own HTML editor - as long as you follow the SBI! Integration Guidelines (if you are already an SBIer, then you need to read their help section on this very carefully if you intend to drop SiteBuilder).
Or like me, if you already have started a good-size SBI! site, using SiteBuilder, and now you're ready to graduate to using an HTML editor (e.g., FrontPage, DreamWeaver, etc.), that's also fine.
But I take seriously a note from SBI! "Help and Strategy" section which stated:
All successful SBI! sites are built upon the solid foundation of research and preparation outlined in the SBI! Action Guide. Most critically, the use of your own HTML editor pages does not diminish the importance of the preparatory work required for a successful site.
In other words, please don't rush into building your site without a thorough understanding of the process that makes SBI! the foundation of so many successful Web sites.
Provided you are familiar with the SBI! process, have read the Action Guide, and are confident that your site has all the makings for profit, you're ready to continue...
Couldn't agree more with the above statement.
Even though building your own web pages using your own HTML editor provides much more flexibility and creativity, as well as increase productivity (i.e., you can certainly create more web pages faster in comparison to SiteBuilder), my advise for new SBIers is to ALWAYS use SiteBuilder first to create at least the first 20 or so web pages even if you think your HTML skill is pretty good.
Because it will help you to understand better the SBI! block-by-block process of building a proper and quality web page. It will help you understand more than just SEO, but more on how to create a web site that SELLS!
I certainly recommend using SiteBuilder. In fact, I've yet to decide whether to shift away from SiteBuilder.
Will keep you posted...
In the meantime, do have a great weekend.
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