Thursday, June 29, 2006

Keyword Research Tool, Ultimate Verticalizer Launches!

Keyword research is increasingly an integral part of web building. It is the "make or break" of any web site.

This is evinced by the mushrooming of keywords-mining web sites that charge users for providing top keywords. There are also many keyword research tools out there today, each claiming that it has the best research methodology.

SBIers like me, are often spoilt by the effectiveness and efficiency of Brainstorm It!, the SBI! keyword research module. In fact, sometimes we take for granted the real value of Brainstorm It! Actually, it is worth purchasing Site Build It! just to have this ability given the sometimes ridiculous high price of other stand-alone keyword research tools.

With the launching of the Ultimate Verticalizer (UV) - an additional sub-module to Brainstorm It! - Brainstorm It! becomes even more invaluable for the success of a web site.

The UV reportedly brings back 10 times as many (or more!) keywords that contain a Site Concept Keyword than every other third party keyword tool (including Yahoo!'s and Google's) combined.

It basically brings back the collective wisdom of billions of sites plus every other way a keyword makes it into the SBI! database. This is the most comprehensive index of real, human-generated keywords, either through searches or through the brainstorming power of millions of Webmasters.

With the UV, it is now even more easier to identify keywords that spark ideas for content enhancement of existing pages or add other pages that further diversify your coverage of a topic.

I simply wonder why so many webmasters out there still stick to a standard web hosting company that does not really help them build a successful web business. Perhaps they still think that the hosting fee is much cheaper than SBI! Yet, they prefer to purchase a stand-alone keyword research tool or pay monthly subscription to a keyword-mining site.

Site Build It! includes one of the best keyword research tool on the Web today plus web hosting and numerous more excellent modules and/or functionalities to help SBIers make their site SELL and SELL! for a fraction of the cost of buidling a successful web business.


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