Friday, April 21, 2006

"Contact Us" Page added using Form Build It!

In addition to the Newsletter Sign-Up page, I'd also added a Contact Page, which was easily built using Form Build It! ("FBI!").

The following is the basic Form Build It! process:
  1. You build/edit the Form in the Form Build It! Library
  2. You place the Form on your Web site (using Form Block or directly through your HTML Editor)
  3. Visitor fills in your Form
  4. Visitor sees Thank You Page (ready-made but to be further customized by you)
  5. Visitor receives AutoResponder E-mail from you (customizable, up to a sequence of seven messages, double opt-in if more than one)
  6. Data is sent to you and/or others via e-mail, too (notification optional)
  7. Data is stored into your database
  8. You review and analyze a report of the data accumulated, and react accordingly.

Once you build a form, give it a name and store it in the Form Build It! Library.

Then, when you build a web page using SiteBuilder (example in this case is my "Contact Us" web page), one of the options to be inserted in the block-by-block SiteBuilder function will be a form where you can simply click on the form you want to include in your said web page by its name.

Have a look at my simple and easily built "Contact Us" web page at the following URL:

Just in case you want to contact me, just try out the form to see how it works.



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