Thursday, April 13, 2006

Other Programs Like SiteSell...

For those who are looking for a Get Rich Quick system to start/build an online business...


For those who are looking for an alternative to Site Build It!...

I urge you to read this post carefully.

Kristine, a fellow SBIer (and a relatively new one as well), posted the following in the Site Build It! Forum about a week ago that really "snapped" me out of my recent GnL (i.e., greed and laziness) episode.


Posted by: Kristine from
Post subject: Other Programs Like SiteSell...

I thought that everyone would find this very interesting and if anything, reinforce to all current SBIers and especially those even thinking of becoming an SBIer to really give it some heavy thought.

Here's why:

Just today I received an email from a competitor (for lack of a better term) of SiteSell (I won't name who) that had yet another update to their book about building websites and getting to the top of Google and other SE's.

Now, in all fairness, I have not received constant upsell's from this person but one of the reasons I quit following their methods was because things really started to get a little pricey for me.

After purchasing their book I also had to pay for separate hosting, separate domain name registration, separate website statistical software, etc. and when you consider all you have to do to complete your website this particular way, you realize people are just picking your pockets (and probably making a nice affiliate income off of the referrals as well) so I gave up trying to create a site this way and found SiteSell.

Out of curiousity though I listened to the reason for this ebook update and what struck me was what was said about why it was so important people purchase this particular update. And you know what it was?

It was simply creating more, better and quality content.

And all I could think to myself was...

This is what Ken has always said and continues to say. Thank goodness you found SiteSell when you did!

So for those of you who are considering either looking someplace else or who are still on the fence about Ken's program...take it from someone who has put out more money than I'm willing to admit...and stick with Ken.

He knows what he's talking about and even his competitors have realized it.




I hope that my previous post, coupled with Kristine's thoughts above will be able to directly/indirectly "Wake You Up" of the reality out there as far as starting/building an online business (or simply making money from the Internet) is concerned.

There is NO other alternative to Site Build It!

Don't follow my GnL footstep and ends up making a costly (in both time and money) mistake.

End Note: My deepest thanks to Kristine for giving me the greenlight to post her comments at this blog. Although she has just started her site, do bookmark for future reference if you are into coffee like me. With just a page or two at her site, I'd learnt so much more about gourmet coffee. I just can't wait for Kristine to add more pages to her excellent site.


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