Thursday, October 06, 2005

SBI! Is For Beginners Only?

I have been 'sort of' complaining about some of my difficulties using the SiteBuilder tool (more towards the lack of flexibility of SiteBuilder especially at the initial stage) to create my desired web page design in my previous posting.

It looks more appropriate for a total newbie who doesn't have an inkling what's SSI or CGI.

But I presevere with it (even though I regard myself as pretty good in HTML by now) as there must be a 'catch' to why the 100s of SBIers are building profitable web businesses.

I decided to stick with it because I also like to adhere to the Keep It Simple Silly/SBIer (KISS) mantra. Now, I'm beginning to see the benefits of using SiteBuilder - it takes all the technical hardwork away to let me focus totally on creating better (and keyword-rich) content!

Anyway, a recent SiteSell's affiliate newsletter has an excellent (and logical) explanation on why some people think SBI! is only for the beginners (like yours truly) and that it somehow does injustice to the creativity of an 'expert'. Refer below to a feature article by Ken Evoy:

SBI! Is For Beginners Only?

Yes, If Success Itself Is For Beginners Only!

Every now and then, I'll see a post in one of the
professional Webmasters' forums. It's always from one of
those smarter-than-thou types. And it says...

"Sure SBI! is great, but it's for beginners. I'd rather use
$3 per month hosting and"...

And he then follows with a list of tools that cost several
times more than SBI!. Amazing, but it gets worse...

The smarter-than-thou types will complain about how long it
takes to build a page, claiming that they really need FTP,
CGI, and all the tools of what we now call "old-fashioned"
Web hosting (because that *IS* what standard business
hosting is -- comparing SBI! to all other hosting is like
comparing the Mac to DOS).

They forget that it can take a couple of hours, or more,
just to create one great page of Content. No HTML yet, just
the writing. Done properly, the SBI! way, that page will
make you money for years. So if it takes 1 minute to put up
a page (the first time) with SBI! instead of 30 seconds,
what difference does that make?

Especially when you consider that you gain hours of
time-saving, automated maintenance forever after!


Anyway, this whole "snobbiness" about "it's-too-easy" should
be a compliment, I guess, not a real pet peeve. And the
other day, two thoughts occurred to me...

1) I realized why the experts poo-poo about Alexa, despite
all its obvious benefits...

They don't rank! They are not succeeding.

I will invariably check out their Alexa ranking and rarely,
very rarely, do they score as well as the average SBIer (who
is not, if you recall, , a so-called "expert").


2) When they say SBI! is for beginners...

"Like what? Is success ONLY for beginners?"

And THAT is the bottom line...

Forget about the smarter-than-thous. Insist upon proof of
success, no matter where you go...


P.S. There is a small group of Webmasters who seem blessed
with common sense. Why work harder when you can work

If you read the words of "SBI! geeks," you'll see one trait
that they all share... common sense. It's obvious...

Why the heck would you want to do it the hard way?


OK, I've got that off my chest. Please share it with the
smarter-then-thou types that YOU know.

Save a Webmaster's life today.

(c) copyright 2005 SiteSell


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