Friday, July 28, 2006

Keyword Search Tools - Scam Revealed?

I recently read an interesting article on the above by David Greene, which encourages readers to read the article before considering buying any Keyword Tools. David claimed that 99.9% of them are frauds.

Although David's article, in a sense, is more of a pre-sell for two keyword research tools that he highly recommends, namely, Keyword Elite and WordTracker, it is still a very educational piece.

You can take a look at the article here.

Now, what I like to add is that I'm a bit disappointed that David did not even give Site Build It! a mention - or Brainstorm It!, SBI!'s keyword brainstorming and research tool, to be more precise. Personally, I feel that the Brainstorm It! tool is THE best keyword research tool around, especially after the several new sub-modules - two Lateralizing Brainstormers and The Ultimate Verticalizer - were introduced recently to strengthen the effectiveness of Brainstorm It!.

And given its pricing (i.e., bundled in with more than 10 other integrated set of tools in SBI!) - WordTracker cost US$258.61 a year, and Keyword Elite, US$167 at present but may go up to US$267 soon - it is without a doubt more cost efficient to utilize it than any standalone tool.

I reckon, just the new brainstorming sub-modules push Brainstorm It! even further beyond keyword tools costing US$500. In any case, SBI!'s entire suite of tools consists of much more than keyword software. Yet its price is only US$299. You receive all the other features for less than free.

More importantly, Site Build It! owners succeed.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Notebook crashes

What a new week. Just when I have some free time to further build my SBI! site My notebook crashes unexpectedly due to an unknown reason. Had sent it for a thorough "check-up".

This will definitely slow down not only my SBI! progression for awhile but also my main Internet Business.

Hopefully it won't take too long before I get it back.

Really frustrating.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Quality rather than Quantity of Inbound Link that wins the day

A recent article entitled "To Each Search Engine Its Own Algorithms" reveal that the quality of inbound link is the only factor with the same relative influence across the board - Google, Yahoo and MSN's algorithms. The article stated that the Search Engines look at a target site to determine the influence and reputation of each inbound link.

"It turns out that it's actually the quality of inbound links than the quantity that wins the day," said Michael Marshall, VP of technology at Fortune Interactive.

Please click here for the full article

It is for this reason that Site Build It! users have been winning the day since day 1. Ken Evoy has been preaching the importance of quality over quantity for many years now and SBIers do not even need to be updated with the latest SEO news to implement any new link popularity strategy.

The FULL version of Value Exchange, the link exchange tool in SBI! that SBIers use, not only greatly accelerates link recruitment, maintenance and monitoring of your Value Exchange program, but more importantly match-make quality web sites with a similar theme to yours.

And yes..., the Value Exchange module comes with the price of SBI! (in fact, I reckon this useful tool would have easily cost more than the overall price of SBI!).

Thursday, July 20, 2006

What is this SiteSell Blog doing?

Just came across this newly established blog at blogspot.

Given the great name, I'm just not sure what this blogger intend to do with it.

Started in July 2006 (I think), it only has one posting full of links, which I'm sure pointed to the blogger's web sites (seen several sites like this before disguised as a blog).

Why I said I think it started in July 2006 is because I suspect the one posting is updated frequently so that it will always be up-to-date and get indexed as a recent posting.

Nice link back strategy which I'm not sure whether it is effective or not. I've very little knowledge in such strategy which I consider blackhat as it doesn't really give any real value to visitors. Furthermore, it also in a way spoils the good name of sitesell.

Take a good look at the blog in question and tell me what you think?

Is this blogger wasting his own time or this type of technique can be effective?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How to get Google & MSN NOT to use your ODP listings

Most sites listed in Google and MSN are based on ODP (Open Directory Project or listing. In fact, they appear to prefer search result descriptions from ODP.

And you know, most times, your page's description can be outdated and your search listing in Google can be inaccurate to say the very least.

Now, there's a simple way how to get Google and MSN to use your own preferred description from your web page..., and, it can be done can be done at web page level. In between your META TAGS, just add:


or for MSN...,


This should get Google and other SEs to ignore ODP description and/or content for your web page (not immediately but could take weeks/months).

MSN first introduces this new option in May 2006, and Google, about a month ago if I'm not mistaken. If other crawlers follow suit, some SE experts have advised to add the following for all crawlers...,


I'm not sure whether the above will work effectively to rid your page of ODP listing for both Google and MSN and other ROBOTS. I am more incline to play safe here and add both Meta Tags for Google and MSN. If anyone knows anything about this, please fill me in. Thanks.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Adsense revenue pretty encouraging

After about slightly more than a month adding Google Adsense Ads into my my SBI! site, my earnings solely from the site has been pretty encouraging thus far.

Even at this initial stage, I've been averaging about $1.00 per day. Yeah, you may say that's nothing to shout about, but..., my time spent building the site is also nothing to shout about either.

In fact, I'd slack off especially last month with the FIFA World Cup occupying most of my free time. Now, I'm having a football hang-over to tell you the truth. Not sure when I get back to normality.

Anyway, I'm real happy with my Adsense earnings because 'borneo' is hardly a high paying keyword in any case. You should be happy with 5 cents per click in normal circumstances. And I have only added Adense ads to about 25% of my web pages for a start.

At this rate, I'm already in the blue in so far as Site Build It! is concerned. Let's see..., SBI! cost me about $299 per year, and my Adsense revenue should be at least $360 per year (it will definitely grow as my site gets older and more Adsense ads are added in the future).

But the main objective of my SBI! site is to funnel visitors to my non-SBI! site and that's where the 'big' money (at least much bigger than earnings from Adsense) really is.

For now, monetization really looking pretty promising - as promised by SBI!.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

New Quick Tour Site Launches!

The SBI! Quick Tour is one of most popular and easiest-to-understand aid for those interested in SBI!.

Site Build It! is actually so comprehensive that it's hard to communicate exactly what it does, how it does it, and why it's so effective at building Web sites that WORK. The Quick Tour does that... quickly!

However, it was a bit out of date as Site Build It! continuously add powerful new modules (may I add, all at no extra cost to the original price).

The updated Quick Tour will reflect these new additions, as well as show all of the lucrative new ways that SBI! owners monetize.

Take a look...

SBI! Quick Tour