Monday, August 22, 2005

The problem with Canadian companies with no US account...

After cooling down and re-read Marino's explanation, I remembered that a similar problem happened previously with regards to SiteSell's affiliate check. They sent me my affiliate check but in USD (at that time, it was the default currency in my SiteSell's affiliate member account).

When I bank into my account here in sunny Sabah (a state in Malaysia), I was informed that I will be charged a considerable amount of transaction fee as my bank here has to convert the USD to CAD (which was SiteSell's instruction as per Canadian law), and then convert the second time from CAD to MYR (my currency).

In the end, after several corrspondences with my bank as well as SiteSell's affiliate support, I decided not to bank in the check, and request SiteSell to re-issue the check to me, but this time in Canadian Dollar. It worked out well then.

Now, I reckon this is a similar issue to my current SBI! predicament. I just don't understand why SiteSell can't charge me directly in CAD?

Why they have to charge me in USD and let my bank double convert it to MYR?


At 12:40 pm, September 05, 2005, Blogger said...

This problem has since been resolved.

Apparently, I was overcharged for some unknown reason.

My thanks to Shawn and SiteSell's Support for your kind assistance.


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