Thursday, January 25, 2007

Are you affected by Yahoo! latest search index update

If you are unaware, Yahoo! recently announced through its search blog that they are undergoing an index update, which started around last Friday and should be complete very soon.

This comes right after Google's recent updates of Backlink and PR (Page Rank).

Since both these search engines (SEs) power over 75% of online search, many website owners usually have cold sweat during the updating period. Most are very concerned about how their site will be impacted - will its search engine result placement (SERP) drop or maybe completely disappear out of sight? I should know since I was one of these website owners before I got SBI!

But I reckon the majority of Site Build It! owners do not even sweat during any update..., coz indirectly, SBI! ensures our websites will never be drastically penalized by the SEs - that is, if SBIers follow the philosophies and principles of SiteSell and use best practice SEO and link building tactics - all clearly explained in the SBI! Action Guide.

And SBIers don't really need to know much about SEO or Black/White Hats. In any case, SBI! with its guru-in-your-ear feature, will make sure for you that your site will never employ black hats techniques.

As far as my SBI! site goes, I've actually seen improvements in rankings on many of my core keywords at both Yahoo! and Google at this initial stage.

Ok, so SBI! really delivers what it preaches - It actually freed me from the dreary task of SEO and the other technical side of building a web business like keyword research, link building, web page design, etc.

I guess I'm also cold sweat-free nowadays with SBI!


At 1:08 pm, January 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only those using black hats techniques will suffer the most. But like you wrote, how sure are we taht we are not wearing brown.


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