Friday, December 15, 2006

Infopreneurs Wanted!

Even though affiliate marketing has been around for a long time, most "Newbies" still don't realize you can make money online without a product to sell.

Most still don't know that Infopreneurs have it great - no customers!

To this day when I tell people that I have an online business, they always ask me, "So what do you sell?"

Besides my Travel business, I tell them, "I essentially sell my brain." :-)

After looking at me funny for a couple of seconds, I let them off the hook and explain the concept of affiliate marketing through infopublishing.

I tell them about AdSense...

"Oh, YOU make money from those Google ads?"

You should see the light bulbs that go on in their heads as they scramble to think of topics for sites.

If you are interested to be a successful infopreneur, please check out the following link:

Become an Infopreneur


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