Monday, September 11, 2006

Must Read: The Future of Small Business

Recently, Ken Evoy reviewed a book entitled "The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More" by Chris Anderson, the Executive Editor of WIRED magazine.


Ken Evoy's doing a book review and even interviewing the author?

Here's what Ken said:

I don't recommend books, never have. Well, I guess I have mentioned a book or two by Seth Godin, but nothing has impacted me as significantly as Chris Anderson's new book, "The Long Tail"...

Must be some groundbreaking book then, eh?

So, I did some research on the subject and here's what I found out:

Chris Anderson was acknowledged as the first person to coin the phrase "The Long Tail" through a 2004 article in Wired magazine to describe certain business and economic models such as or Netflix.

Long Tail is also the colloquial name for a long-known feature of statistical distributions (which I have the priviledge to get to know many many years ago while studying at Monash University, Australia).

The book is actually expanded from an earlier article and subsequently continued coverage of the subject on his The Long Tail Blog, where Anderson described the effects of the long tail on current and future business models.

So basically, The Long Tail is where the business world is headed.

And why Ken Evoy is so excited?

Because small business has a HUGE role "out there in the long tail." We can...

Figure out where you fit into the long tail and how to use it to grow/start your small business.

Now, that gets me excited...

Naturally, the single best way, by far, to execute "Long Tail Marketing" is with Site Build It!. Nothing comes close to providing your with both process and tools to become a Long Tail winner.

Read Ken's review of the book, and listen to the interview on Long Tail Marketing.

Together with the interview (i.e., in mp3 format), you will know how to capitalize upon THE major trend of this decade.

Click on the link below:

The Long Tail - Why It Is Important For Small Businesses


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