Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dropped by Google - should I panic?

In recent months, my SBI! site search engine results placements (SERPs) at Google has plummeted out of the Top 30 - although placements at Yahoo! as well as MSN and Ask have been rather encouraging, especially at Yahoo! (i.e., eight no. 1 rankings for various keywords including my specific keyword).

Early this year, it had more than ten top 10 rankings at Google and appeared to rank much better/higher than the other SEs. Must be because of the dreaded "Google Dance".

Should I panic?

"Take a deep breath and don't panic" so said Ken Evoy.

In a recent newsletter for SBIers (i.e., SBI! Xpress), Ken Evoy said

"The key is to keep a balanced perspective...

Stay the course. Always remember that the engines WANT quality, relevant sites. If they drop good sites, their results ultimately suffer. So...

When a major drop (or total drop) occurs (as it will from time to time), at one engine or another, don't panic. Your site will be relisted.

Just keep building great content right through it."

Ken even recommended some of the action steps to take as follows:
  • Create more quality content.
  • Carefully examine your existing pages to rule out possible violations of the SE's quality guidelines (which is easier for SBIers as we can rely on SiteBuilder's Analyze It! module).
  • Find more in-pointing links.
  • Consult the FAQ for the Primary, Major Search Engines (i.e., Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Ask) for any the latest algorithm shake-up (SBIers can simply Use the Forums to stay abreast with developments in the Search Engine world).
  • Keep creating more quality content!
And some tips specially for SBiers as follows:
  • Review DAY 7 of the Action Guide.
  • Read a case study of a SBIer (He just add more content and "complete belief in the process" to get his traffic way back up, exceeding previous highs).
  • Mine the TNT HQ Traffic section.
Hope the above helps, especially for those who were delisted/dropped by the SEs, which can be a real gut-wrenching experience if a large portion of your traffic is coming from that Search Engine.

One last advice from Ken was "Focus on building, building, building. Do this and you will achieve the best results. And you will sleep much better, too!"

Hemmm, I guess I can sleep much better tonight then, with Site Build It! by my side.


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