Thursday, February 23, 2006

Q&A on Article Marketing and Duplicate Content

Early this week, I found myself some time and browse to SBI! Forum - The Place For Friendly, Success-Focused Discussion. And I even had the time to reply to some confusions on article marketing and duplicate content which I think might interest you as follows:

Stephanie from wrote:

I've been thinking about duplicate content and article strategy for a few months now, and I'm wondering if there might be several useful strategies.

Richard, what if you're writing articles that are not going to appear on your own site? That's been my strategy so far. I just use the articles and press releases to get backlinks and traffic. So the only duplicate content is from the various web sites that pick up the article.

In that case, would you think it's a good idea to just submit to one or two major article directories or does it matter, since my site wouldn't be the one penalized?

Secondly, awhile back Debs suggested to me that I should write articles for my site, let them reside there for awhile, then submit to the directories, like after a few weeks. What do you think of that idea now that the SEs seem to be changing a bit?

As for the blog strategy, would you be using the blog to direct people into articles on your site or what? Not sure I understand this....

Thanks so much for a lively and helpful discussion!


My reply as follows:

Hi there Stephanie,

You should definitely write for your site first.

Your strategy to get backlinks and traffic at present may be working well (and faster) but in the long run, you should think of your web site first and foremost.

The future of your article being continued to be listed by the Article Directories is beyond your control.

The future of Article Directory web sites are also at the mercy of the leading SEs (i.e., they may be out of business if Google suddenly consider them as encouraging link spamming or content duplication).

But the future of your site is determined by you. Your article will still be online (unless you take it off) and continue to be indexed by the SEs and pick up by other publishers - bringing you ever increasing traffic and backlinks.

As for Deb's (Debs from suggestion, it is still spot on whatever the SEs decide to do/change.

As I'd mentioned previously, it is better to publish your article at your site first (or get your web page indexed first by the SEs) before submitting to Article Directories..., for many reasons including the one I'd explained above.

As for blogging? It is a different ball game altogether. But Stephanie, there is no harm to direct people to your article via your blog, or publish the whole article there.

AnneMarie from, use both ezine and blog as blog is still in its infancy and still not many people subscribe to or know what it is.

Hope the above will be helpful.

Cheers from Borneo,

P.S. May I repeat that - your site will not likely get penalized for publishing someone else's article, or for your article being published at someone else's site.


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