Monday, September 15, 2008

Start reaping the benefit of natural SEO traffic on your site

To read an updated version check out SEO Stomping Search Engines

In this article I am going to show you how to use free research to select a site niche and create a powerful community that your members will love you for and visit over and over again. Using this exact method I now have many sites that do this every day, and multiple sites that receive over 100,000 UNIQUES every single month all from search engine traffic.

For a 180 page free ebook that holds nothing and tells you how to build your own massive traffic pulling empire please see my resource box at the bottom of this lesson for your free guide. (Its Called the VRE Handbook) So how did I take a site from 0-450 visitors per day (on the weekend mind you, much slower) and earning over $5 per day in adsense alone AND on the first page of msn for its main keywords in less then 3 weeks.

The first step that I take when looking at building a new site is the keyword research, and topic research. There are many ways you can go about doing this. Using either the digial point forum free keyword tool, or alternatively you could use the yahoo keyword tool also.

Once there, start running your list ideas through the keyword tool and look for something which has a decent traffic count in overture. (I choose overture as an example because it is widely recognized). I usually target niches with 80,000 upward searches per month for the main keyword. This way you are bound to be able to drive some good traffic to your site.

The recent site I picked had 1,000,000 searches per month.

Then I would plug in some of the top sites into SeoElite or your favorite SEO tool and find out how much seo the main sites are doing and how hard or easy it is going to be to beat them.

Next thing I do is research affiliate products and check out some other sites on the topic to see adsense ads available for that keyword. And put in a keyword, it will show you the ads being displayed for that keyword.

Now that we have the basics to one site, presuming you have a nice traffic count. Some profitable affiliate programs and adsense is showing for those keywords. We are ready to rock and roll.

Next thing to do is obviously register your domain and set up your hosting. I personally use HostGator for my domain hosting needs, they are great.

I would then go over to elance and post a project on 30 articles for my topic (I supply the keyword list), usually between 400-500 words of decent quality. You can expect to pay between $3 and $5 per article. Once you find a good copywriter stick with them it will make your life much easier.

Alternative you could also use Rentacoder for outsourcing.

Next thing on the agenda would be to set up the actual site. I will usually do this whilst waiting for my articles to arrive.

I use either Wordpress or plain old html for all my content sites, but sometimes use dreamweaver if I want something a little more powerful. Just depends on your needs and what you have at hand.
For site templates I use free ones from and customize them to what I need.

I usually build my own simple graphics in Photoshop. But I am now looking at some warriors to see if I can get headers done for my sites (ps if you are a graphic designer and are interested in work. PM me) Once you get your articles back. Start adding them into your site. Each article on an individual page.

Be sure to take note of the most important parts of on-page optimization.

Example when you are adding in your articles. I use main keywords for that article in the file name. (Though this is not so important).

Then also develop an individual page title for each article around the article keyword. Include a title inside the page using H1 tags (tip for young players. Use css coding to make your h1 tags look much prettier and not so out there)

Also add in any adsense or affiliate adverts you need to, into your content.

When adding adsense, the best place to put it is high on your website above "the fold" or above the middle of the page. So a Banner ad up the very top.

Then a large rectangle further down he page. Seems to do best

And then follow basic common sense with your keyword density. Usually the articles are fine; they contain just the right balance in keyword density. Also when linking your article into the site. Link using the main keywords of the article (providing it makes sense). This will help with building your internal linking popularity.

So by now we should have the basics of our site set up. This is where we would move onto our off-page optimization.

Off-Page Optimization

From the second step you should know exactly what your opponent is doing in terms of off page optimization, and this is like giving you an insider’s look into their marketing.

Write an article on your topic to kick start things. If you are not a writer, then grab a few articles your copywriter wrote for you, and mix them together so they flow, make sense and provide something of interest.

Submit the article using your preferred method. This could be Isnare, Article Marketer, article announcer and article submitter pro.

Be sure that when you build your article to include your URL in the author’s bio and where you can, turn it into a link with the anchor text being the main keyword of your site.

You should also determine what the main keywords for your site will be, that we will target. SEO wise you probably shouldn’t target more then 4 - 6 keywords for your main page. Remember, every page has its own chance of ranking well in the search engines.

So I would break my keywords down into 2 main keywords and 2 sub keywords.

Example for dog training would be

2 main

Dog training

Dog obedience training

2 sub

Puppy training

Dog toilet training

By submitting articles you will already be starting to build some back links into your site and probably be getting your site crawled already.

The next step would be to start a linking campaign. There are many ways to do this; some people don’t even do it. Some people don’t like it some do. There’s only one small thing I have to say on it. IT WORKS

If you wish to start a reciprocal linking strategy. Then I personally use (Brad Callen's) for all my linking purposes. There are others around but I have found this to be one of the easiest. Plus you get a free reciprocal directory script, which is a bonus if you don’t have one or have never done it before.

Depending on how big your niche is, you can also purchase advertising space (aka text links) from sites to help.

I have used both before and both seem to offer a pretty good service.


When buying links, be sure to run the site that you decide to go with, through seoelite or some other back link analysis tool. I have found some sites out there that are cheating the system in a big way. You would probably want to go with the site that has the most links from individual IP's and has a more solid foundation.

If you are into tracking your sites rankings. Then also offers a free serp tracker. However I use Web Position Gold 3 for the purpose of finding where I rank.

And I think that about wraps up how I start and launch my sites.

I repeat the steps in off-page optimization as many times I need to get the rankings I desire.

Remember a number 1 position is not always best. You can get a page 1 result for a keyword, and then move onto the next keyword. This way you are diversifying your traffic, and not wasting un needed energy for the ego of being number 1.

Your business will thrive for it. Worry about the number 1 position only if it is needed for your purpose.

I hope this has helped some.

Please remember, you don’t need to run out and buy the software I mention in here. It is stuff I have accumulated over the last 2 years that greatly help my productivity. There are a few pieces I would consider a must. (SeoElite, Some form of website building software there are free ones,)

But if you are on a budget, don’t rush out, start of small and re-invest your profits later.

Using the exact above system is how I took just 1 of my sites to over 400 visits per day (all search engine) and over $5 per day just in adsense and in only 3 weeks.



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