Discover how work from home blogs can give you online income
.when I set up my first blog I knew nothing about it and had to learn as I went along. I started a blog about my diet that I was on. It was nothing too elaborate – just a simple blog that cost me nothing to set up. People read blogs all the time and I was getting some good traffic so I decided to earn some money from my blog.
Work from home blogs are nothing new but to me it was very exciting to see all these people reading my blog. The blog made me more disciplined on my diet as I wasn't going to let my readers down by breaking my diet. I came across the information page on my blogger dashboard and it recommended that I join their adsense program. The idea was to add something called adsense to my blog. These are the adverts you see on some websites.
It costs nothing to set up and the designing of the website is all done for you. Google has made sure that all the adverts displayed with content that is on the same subject as your website. so all my adverts are about diets and dieting. This makes it more likely that you will get people clicking on these ads. When I get a click on my site on an advert I get paid a small amount for it.
With this help from google I was starting to make some free online income. With only a few visitors to my pages in the early days there was only a small amount of income but it got more over time. So what you can do is start with one blog and get that going. There is no limit to how many of these earning blogs you can set up and earn money with.
You can see how easily work from home blogs can provide you with a small but easy online income,
Labels: Blogging
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