Friday, August 08, 2008

How To Promote In 3 Easy Steps

Check out Marlon Sanders new video called:

How To Promote In 3 Easy Steps

This video covers:

What does it take to create online promos that work?

  • What if the formula isn't working for you?
  • What if you promote but people don't buy?
  • How do you build your list?
  • The solution to information overload and overwhelm
  • Why your ppc ads may not be working

There is also a chance for you to win $300. Go to:

How To Promote In 3 Easy Steps

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Monday, August 04, 2008

"Make Your Knowledge Sell!" classic ebook Is Now Free

Who would like to make some money online? Raise those hands...

That's what I thought! :-)

You probably already know quite a few ways to do that...

o AdSense

o Affiliate relationships

o Selling hard goods (your own or someone else's)

Want to know what some consider perhaps the best way to make great money online?

Selling your knowledge!

"But how do I do that?"

Glad you asked...

Let's say you are an expert gardener. You know all about bulbs, fertilizers, and watering techniques.

Why not take that knowledge and turn it into an e-book?

There are some super advantages to having an electronic book (or other e-good) that you can sell online...

o Online-immediate-delivery (no shipping to deal with)

o Easy to update at any time

o Transaction and fulfillment takes place automatically

o Very low manufacturing cost (how about zero cost?).

It all adds up to a super way to monetize any site, but it works especially well with an SBI! site (Click here for more info on why you should build an SBI! site).


Because once you attract traffic interested in your niche, what better way to monetize than to give them exactly what they came for in the first place... more information!

And Make Your Knowledge Sell! is the perfect step-by-step guide for how to do just that...

Make Your Knowledge Sell!

Up until today, SiteSell has been selling it for US$49.95.

It includes...

o how to find profitable ideas

o how to package your e-book

o how to write for an e-book

o how to price your e-book

o how to market your e-book.

This book is all about making money by selling e-books.

Did you notice the part above where I said, "up until today, SiteSell has been selling it for $49.95"?

Yes..., they have been selling it for years at that price.

Well, now it's FREE.

Totally revamped and updated, Make Your Knowledge Sell! is now also totally free!

P.S. If you were thinking of writing and selling your own e-book but sounds too difficult, this e-book could change your mind.
