Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blog Or Build?

This Link Reveals Why Blogging Is THE Massive Mistake For MOST Small Businesses

Blogging has reached lemming status. Without even thinking, many small businesses equate blogging with having a Web site. This is obviously wrong for small businesses with something to sell (ex., services, e-book sellers, etc.).

But it's also the wrong choice for infopreneurs (ex., those who earn affiliate and AdSense income, without selling anything directly to customers).

How and why has blogging reached "lemming epidemic" status?

How do bloggers actually do FINANCIALLY, where it counts?

Should YOU blog? When? How do blogs compare to Theme-Based Content Sites, performance-wise in the short-and-long terms?

Where did the misleading promise of blogging come from? Why do folks buy into it, despite all the evidence of failure?

Remember that "Where's the beef?" commercial. Well, the "beef" of blogging vs. building is all here...

Please Click Here

P.S. Don't miss "The Three Fatal Flaws Of Blogging." They are compelling warnings away from this method of site building (which is all blogging is... another way to build a site).
